Stepping Into a New Year

More stories from Ava Bartholomew

Welcome to Gouverneur High School! We have just begun the 2022-2023 school year and we are off to a great start. With lots to look forward to, this year is not only a chance to return to ‘normalcy’, but also a time to start anew: a time to create new memories, new connections, and new traditions. As we enter into this year, we have an opportunity to become the best versions of ourselves. With a new group of students and teachers, everyone seems to have hope for a fantastic school year. 


The past few years have been challenging to say the least. Back in 2020, we all believed that the original 2 week ‘shut-down’ would be just that, 2 weeks. Then, we lost the rest of that school year and much of the next as well. Now, we do our part, and have hope that we can move through this year without COVID restrictions interfering with our plans. Mrs. Dunkelberg, a science teacher at Gouverneur, is excited for the increased opportunities this year will bring. She feels that some upcoming activities will “bring people back together”. And she could not be more right…


In keeping with Wildcat tradition, we will kick off our school year with Spirit Week. This week is full of excitement and school pride. From our ‘dress up’ days, to the Pep Rally, from the Bonfire to Homecoming, Spirit Week encourages students to become involved with the school and its events. Mrs. Briscoe, one of our history teachers, believes that when students are active in school it “helps with their academics and behavior”. Gouverneur has no shortage of extracurricular activities and Spirit Week is just one of many ways to be involved.


Now, whether you are new to Gouverneur, an incoming freshman, or simply looking for ways to contribute to the school, there are lots of activities to participate in. Each season, there are several sports that you can take part in. This fall, sports opportunities include: cross country, soccer, volleyball, cheer, football, and swim. Kelvin Bice, a freshman and member of the soccer team, feels that being on the team gives him a sense of community, as well as an “opportunity to make new friends”. We also have several musical groups, including Pep Band, Jazz Band, Select Strings, and Chamber Singers. Another engaging activity is the Science Olympiad. The Science Olympiad is an opportunity to represent the school by conducting some type of science examination. These examinations are not limited to your typical pen and paper tests, but also include experiments, construction, and other hands-on approaches. To sign up, or for more information, see Mrs. Dunkelberg. While chatting with Mrs. Dunkelberg, be sure to ask her about her bioethics course that she offers to juniors and seniors. Finally, this year brings several new clubs including the Drama Club and the school newspaper, The Paw Print. Jack Schroeder, a senior, feels that extracurriculars allow you to “see your friends” and increase the excitement for school. This brief list does not begin to cover the total number of clubs and groups that we have. No matter your interests, you can find one that intrigues you.


Reflecting back, the first week of school went extremely well. We greeted new faces and we reminisced over the ones who have graduated. This year is full of opportunities and possibilities. Mr. Typhair, one of our Physical Education teachers, says that he sees a “lot of potential” in the student body. Additionally, Mr. Bason, a high school English teacher, feels that we have a “motivated group” of students. As we start this year, we are preparing for new classes, new course loads, and new extracurriculars. While we will all face challenges, it is our belief that each and every student has the ability to overcome these challenges and prosper in all aspects of their school career.  We control the year ahead of us; our success is dependent on us. Mr. Sochia, a physics and robotics teacher, has some great advice: “Don’t just come to school and go home. Get involved”. He hopes to encourage students to drive the activities at Gouverneur. He wants us to redefine our year, to make it ours. Looking at our student body now, there is no doubt that we can accomplish this.